Aspire and Achieve

Aspire and Achieve

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Sec 1 Archeological Trail Experience

Archeological Trail

On the 1st April, Sec 1 Aspire, Achieve and Dynamic students went for an Archaeological Trail. The rest of the Sec 1 classes got to participate on the trail on other days. Sounds exciting, don't you think? The instructors taught us many ways or methods archaeologists use to excavate things.

Archaeology is not just about "digging". It is the process where archaeologists excavate and discover historical items plus finding out the information about them. This is the first time Sec 1 classes get to know, learn and experience the life of an archaeologist. Archaeology is not just about History. We also need the skills in Geography and Maths to understand Archaeology as we need to use protractor to measure the length and height of the artefacts and map-reading skills to locate the artefacts. It was fun and educational at the same time. In fact, during the trail, we felt as if we were archaeologists ourselves!

The five stations have taught us the importance of archeological processes and analysis of artefacts. One of the favourite stations was, the 'Garbage Station.' There, we learnt about the earliest artefacts and the lastest artefacts. We played an interesting game where we were separated into three groups and explored the chronological sequence of artefacts.

The highlight of the Learning Journey was when we were given the chance to discover the artefact on our own. It was a hands-on learning experience where we were able to apply how to break open a clay container to reveal an artefact. We were taught to carefully wash and dust the precious item and the best part was,we got to keep it!

We hope that there will be more chances for us to participate in future trails.

Azmah 1 Aspire
Nurul Syafiqah (1 Aspire)

Bintan Trip

My reflection on Bintan Trip- 5th to 8th March 2009

I must say that this Bintan Trip was a very priceless, adventurous and fun experience for me. I went there as a Student Leader with my dearest D.I.C.E team, fellow Secondary 2 Normal Technical students and wonderful teachers.
The main purpose of this trip was Service-Learning. I got to witness dear EVGians scraping and painting the walls enthusiastically. This really impressed me and warmed my heart. The Indonesian kids could not stop smiling when they saw us. This thought really pleased me and motivated me even further as I painted the walls. I had realized that the source of happiness does not have to come from a big achievement. It could the simple and little things that could make our day. The sweat and hard toil, paid off.

On the other hand, I got to try the high elements like climbing coconut trees and Flying-Fox. If words could describe how I felt at that time, I guess I would be speechless. I recalled the moment I tried to close my eyes and jumped down from the boat during ‘Boom-Netting’. I always thought that I was afraid of heights, but no, in fact, I was actually afraid of falling. I just needed to take one more step to enjoy the split seconds of conquering fear. I was so glad that I did it. I must thank the instructors for giving us clear instructions so to ensure that it was safe when we tried to attempt it.

This Bintan Trip was also an opportunity for me to strengthen bonds with my teachers and friends. Though the hygiene may not be as good as what we have in Singapore, I believe all of us had fun there. It was definitely a good learning experience. I mean, where can you get to experience all of these? Their lives are carefree and easy. Somehow, it was amazing that I was out of touch with technology for 4 full days and I did it without groaning. This shows how much I have enjoyed myself in this trip.

I will remember every single bit of memory of this trip because it was so amazing!

Feature writer: Khor Ke Xin, 3 Aspire (that's me, on the far left! =)