It was an energetic morning for Evergreen Secondary pupils as they headed to Yishun Stadium for this year's Sports Day. We had to sit on the field while waiting for the morning assembly to begin. After singing the National Anthem and taking the pledge, we were separated into our 4 different house colours, Red, Green, Orange and Yellow. :)
Right after everyone has settled down, our Principal officially marked the starting of the event. The cheerleaders of each house took their positions in front of their houses to lead their mates during the Cheering Competition.
Green House was acclaimed the champion for the Cheering Competition. While the cheer was going on, the athletes got themselves ready for their individual race. Our Principal, Mr Chan Yew Wooi, was the one who started the race by firing the gunshot. Our runners were enthusiastic to begin the race. The scorching sun did not bring down the runners' spirit but rather, it fueled the confidence in them.
We then had a friendly competition with other neighbouring schools. Our school emerged as the champion and this was a great and proud achievement for us. The final race was between the teachers of the different houses and some of the pupils' parents even joined in the race.
A new event this year was one where every EVGian from every house went down to the tracks to participate in a Mass Relay. It was so great to see 100% participation from the entire school!Finally, after tallying the scores for the overall competition, Green house was finally declared as the House Champion for this year's Sports Day. This sure brought satisfaction and great victory to them. It may be a very hot day but the students still enjoyed themselves with big smiles on their faces.
Written by Rafiqah & Zakiah of 3 Aspire