Hamper Distribution
8th February on an early Sunday morning, Mr Chan, Mr Viknesh, Prefects, Photographers as well as us, the Roving Reporters from Creative Circle, were at Block 852 Woodlands Street 83 ready with a truckload worth of hampers with one mission, to do our part for the community.
The hampers which have been generously contributed and decorated by EVGians were neatly displayed and ready for distribution to the recipients.
This is a shining example of our Vision of " A Thinking and Caring EVGian with Enterprise, Vision and Graciousness."
Well done EVGians for your commendable effort!
Guest of Honour: Ms. Ellen Lee PBM,
MP for Sembawang GRC
Adviser of Woodlands Grassroots Organisations
Ms. Ellen Lee, who do you think benefit most from this event?
The residents have benefitted the most. It is important to let them know that they are not alone. With the care and concern from the contributing members, the needy residents will not feel that they are alone.Being part of a community, we should help one another, regardless of race or religion.
This event will prove to be a learning experience for the students. The Principal and teachers can impart moral values to the students. Simultaneously, the students will also be able to show their care by actively contributing to the community.
What do you think of the hampers made by our students?
They are indeed a thoughtful gesture. This shows that the students are concerned about the community. Even though there is an economic crisis and Singapore is going through a difficult time, we are still willing to help each other out. Such concern must persist, come what may.
How do you think schools should improve in our contributions to the community?
I think the schools should continue to show concern in many other more practical ways, such as providing tuition for students in primary schools. Having students at different levels of the education system interacting, the older ones can help guide the younger ones academically, as they have the experience and knowledge. Education is paramount to achieve social progress. We do indeed possess the relevant resources and man-power, and should therefore deploy them accordingly.
Mr. David Sim,Representative of Woodlands RC
Mr Sim, do you think that this is a good effort put up by the school? Why so?
Yes, the school is showing that they care for the community and is reaching out to the community. They are reaching out to the community that the school is a part of.
Do you think other schools should also be involved in this activity?
Yes, actually we have invited other neighbouring schools to events such as this. Actually, schools like Riverside have contributed by donating newspapers and selling them in order to donate money to community.
How do you feel about today's event?
Oh, it feels great.This feeling cannot be expressed even in a thousand words. Just seeing their smiles upon receiving the hampers, touched me.
How do you think this year's event is different from last year's?
Oh well, I see more helpers and especially more hampers . I think some classes even donated more than one hamper. If I'm not wrong, we have up to 4 hampers from a class alone(3 Achieve).
How do you think this event could be improved?
Well, they can have this event at the school if they prefer .But other than that ,everything is good.
Mr. Chan, Principal
Who do you think benefit most from the event?
I think the students have benefitted as it is a chance for them to engage in projects that are meaningful. Even though there is an economic crisis this year, it is important to show care and seize the chance to contribute to the community. I believe that the residents will be very happy and grateful for what the students have done.
What do you think of the hampers made by the students?
I think that they are very creative and they have put in their best effort. Most importantly, they had fun and enjoyed doing this meaningful work.
Why do you think this event is important to the school?
The hamper giving activity is one of the ways Evergreen Secondary School is reaching out to the community.This event has become a recongnisable symbol to the school since it started in 2007, and through this,parents are also ensured the students receive a well-rounded education through interactivity in society.
What do you think of the hampers made by the student?
I believe the students have put in a lot of effort in making the hampers and the response from them has been fantastic .
What happens to the hampers which are not collected?
They will collect their hampers at their own time.
Is there any difference between this year's and last year's events?
In comparison to 2008 ,there has been a greater participation and involvement among the students,with more contributing to the hampers .More basic items were used in retrospect to last year , when mostly snacks made up the entire food hamper! The event may be further improved by holding it biannually instead of only once.Perhaps we can hold it during Hari Raya rather than just on Chinese New Year.The CCAs groups could also pitch in to improve the event.
Hamper Recipients
Particulars of the hamper recipients are kept confidential.
How do you feel upon receiving the hamper?
What do you think of this event?
Do you think that we should organise more of such events again?
Resident A: I am very happy as this is the first time I'm receiving a hamper. I think that this event is good and helpful. This is because my wife and I are childless
and old. We are unemployed and my wife has a mental illness.Hence, I believe this hamper will allow us to have a fruitful and enjoyable Chinese New Year.
Resident B: I am very happpy. I find that this event is very good and caring. I certainly hope that there will be more of such events.
Resident C: I am very glad. I feel lucky to be able to have the hamper as I think that there are many more people who are still suffering from hardship. I hope more of such events would be organised as your contributions will be recognised and other schools will follow suit.
Resident D: I feel that this event is very good and more of such events will be organised as the reception is not bad. I think helping others is good. Perhaps, one day I will be doing this also.
Resident E: I feel happy. I like it, and I think this is something the school should continue doing. It gives the students a sense of responsibility since they actually have to do it themselves. I think that the students should include more canned food and cooking ingredients instead of snacks.
Secondary 3 Prefects, Ridzuan, Mai Can, Shahir, Hadi, Kexin
What do you think are the benefits of this event?
We can socialise with the members of the community. We can also help those in need and at the same time, establish a good reputation of our school.We can help the residents with their financial problems and this will lighten their burden.
How do you feel upon being part of this event?
I feel proud as I can help other people who are in need. I also find it meaningful to help other people.It makes me feel happy.
What are some of the difficulties you faced when you organised this event?
Some classes handed in the hampers without their class names and there was a time when we had no space to store all the hampers.
How do you think this event should improve?
Maybe more time should have been allotted for the hampers to be ready.Instead of providing hampers, the school could conduct lessons or provide worksheets for students who cannot afford tuition.
Do you think that the class which has decorated the tallest/nicest hamper should be given a prize?
Yes, they do deserve a prize. The school could include a system of points for the classes in which the class with the nicest/tallest hamper, gets the highest score and the class with the most points at the end of the year wins the 'Best Class' award.
Roving Reporters on duty....
Sec 4 Exco members:Narimah, Rennie, Zi Yu & Faizah
Posted by: Rumaizah, Syafiqah & Azmah of 1 Aspire
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